Monday, June 23, 2008
An illustrated Powerpoint talk will be given as part of the Swindon Arts Festival on Wednesday 29th October at the Swindon Arts Centre. For further details call 01793 771080 or 07940 827624.
Mervyn Peake at Camberwell Arts Week

The final day of the 2008 Camberwell Arts Week then ended with an evening talk on Mervyn Peake at the same theatre, this time for adults, when a full house listened with interest and watched slides and inserted clips from the BBC Televison series Gormenghast.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The publication of The Collected Poems of Mervyn Peake

With over 230 poems and 40 drawings, a well-laid out, easy to read text, and an impact on the eye that truly attracts, my guess is that this collection will be seen for what it is, a tour de force of presentation, imaginative writing, intuitive thought and considered ideas which will not, I can guarantee, be bettered in my lifetime.
4th July, a Talk in Paris

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, French audio edition

Sunday, June 08, 2008
501 Great Writers
Both a photograph and a comprehensive biography of Mervyn Peake will feature in a new book to be published by Quintessence, part of Quarto Publishing, in September 2008. Titled 501 Great Writers - A Comprehensive Guide to the Giants of Literature (price £15) this will be a 'one stop guide to the men and women who have written the greatest books of all time', we're told by the publisher.
A watercolour from Sark