Mervyn Peake Awards, 9th July 2010

Steve Ford, the chief executive, gave a warm welcome to the guests and speakers alike, and introduced Joanne Harris, the well-known novelist who had travelled from Yorkshire especially for the event.
Joanne spoke both eloquently and from the heart when she briefly outlined her life as a writer before, in fine voice, she read out to an attentive audience the winning poem, A Constant Boarding by Glynis Buckham.
A diploma was presented to Ann Galloway the only winner within the three categories able to attend, for her painting The Healing Stream while many others in the commended category received their diplomas from Joanne and Sebastian who stood with the recipients in front of one of the new Parkinson's banners to be photographed. Elizabeth Gabriel who won in the photography category for her American with Great Grandmother, was unable to travel up from the West Country, but her diploma will be presented later at a special ceremony.
At the rear of the hall the winning and commended entries in photography, poetry and art were displayed for all to see while the food provided was professionally served by the caterers who made sure everyone was happy and well provided for.
Mervyn Peake Awards
I would to attend something like that.
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