The Blue Elephant Theatre, A Centenary Celebration

For information and reservations: 020 7701 0100
TUESDAY 26th April at 8pm - Noah's Ark
A rehearsed reading of Noah's Ark. Intended for children, Peake's remarkable prose makes his behind-the-scenes account of this well-known biblical story just as engaging for adult audiences. Originally broadcast on BBC radio, this charming play is long overdue for a theatrical staging.
WEDNESDAY 27th April at 8pm - Mr Loftus or And a Horse of Air
The dust in his room is ankle deep yet Mr Loftus still insists on being served tea and brandy by his butler. With an eccentric anti-hero whose manners are decidedly ungentlemanly, this previously unseen play is Peake's distinctive take on the comedy of manners. "Mad? Did you say mad? I have gone sane, That's much more difficult"
THURSDAY 28th April at 8pm - The Poems of Peake
An evening of Peake's poetry read, staged, and interpreted by a range of artists. With an introduction to his father's poetry by Fabian Peake, and a post-performance Q & A with Sebastian Peake