The Peake blog is back

First, some films:
Michael Foreman, Sebastian Peake and Zoe Wilcox from the BBC programme about the British Library.
Sebastian Peake speaking at the National Archives, Kew. More information on the exhibition of the Hitler drawings here.
Some reviews:
In The Spectator, by John Spurling. And another by John Spurling.
Centenary comments in Design Week. Followed by an announcement also in Design Week about the forthcoming set of Peake books to be published by the Queen Anne Press.
Some exhibitions:
In the mean time the exhibition of illustration originally curated by Patrick Gyger for Maison d'Ailleurs has now travelled from Chichester to Carlisle and where it's currently on show at Tullie House. Sebastian Peake will be giving a talk there on 8th September.
Anyone travelling to Carlisle might like to also visit The Wordsworth Trust at nearby Grasmere where the illustrations for The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner are on permanent exhibition.
The next venue for this show is the Laing Gallery in Newcastle. This will be from 15th October 2011 to 8th January 2012.
And a concert
The Mervyn Peake concert given by the David le Page Trio at Candie Gardens on Guernsey on 29th August was very well received by a full audience, 200 of whom then attended the exhibition of Sark drawings at the Guernsey Museum and Art Gallery.
Alison Eldred
So glad Sebastian Peakes' illustrated talk was videoed and put on the web, I really enjoyed watching it.
Am nearing the end of my library copy of 'Gormenghast'. I first read it and Titus Groan when I was 15, just after the TV series came out. Back then I found it compelling but difficult to get into. Now I'm pleased at how much more has been revealed to me in a re-read. They've struck the same chords with me as they did, more vaguely, ten years ago.
I often regret that I only have read half of a book by Mr. M. Peake, and that I did not enjoy very much because I did not like it at all. I feel that, in my youth, I thus missed something quite special. But, so it goes. And now, I have no time, no time at all for such trivial things as "stories", as such.
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