World Premiere of a Peake play

From their website: "A play in three acts, The Cave or Anima Mundi was written in 1961 and has never been previously staged. With the co-operation of the playwright's son, Sebastian Peake, The Cave has been adapted as a rehearsed reading by award-winning writer Brian Sibley, as part of the Camberwell Arts Festival, and produced by Flat Pack Productions. It will be accompanied by an introduction setting the play within the context of Mervyn Peake's ‘Gormenghast’ novels and other work and will be followed by a Q&A session."
I think your father was a "one of a kind", and read the Gormenghast Trilogy when I was about fourteen ... I also have Letters from a Lost Uncle, A World Away, and Peake's Progress all relating to the inspiring talent that was Mervyn Peake. I am currently writing a Blog post (How I came across your Blog) making a correlation between Mervyn Peake and Terry Gilliam.
It was inspired by Household Tales by Brothers Grimm, which I picked up recently with illustrations by your father - and found a relationship with the image of the horse that both artists share in a unique way. I always thought Terry Gilliam was the man to make Gormenghast if ever it became a movie, although I quite liked the telly-movie.
Kind Regards
Oh and Mr Pye - quite forgot about that one - would like to see the television adaptation of that too.
Rupert :)
i'm 20 years old. My boyfriend told me to read Gormenghast.
I fall in love with all the characters. I loved Fuchsia the most.
when she dead, i cried.
Mervyn Peake is wonderful writer. I have letters from lost uncle and Mr pye.
Joining a book club and making sure every reads gormenghast.
Will Gormenghast becoming a film. That will be hard. They should keep all actors from the telly programme to act in it. If they are.
Take Care
I think that Mervyn Peakes writing is complex, beautiful and poetic, the obscure and ammusing details in the novels, the serious insightful wording in his nonsense poems, discovering fucshia was lovely because i see parallels between her and myself. wonderful imaginary places and people who are so vitally alive.
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