Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Chris Beetles' Gallery of Ryder Street, St James's will be presenting a major fund-raising reading event and exhibition on 18th July, at which several well-known actors will be reading from Mervyn Peake's poetry. Sebastian Peake and Chris Beetles will have a 'battle of the poems' in which they will take it in turns to read out the Aunts & Uncles rhymes from the nonsense verse.
The Illustrated Gormenghast is reviewed
This Friday 1st July 2011, the review section of The Guardian will be publishing China Mieville's introduction to the new Vintage hardback edition of Gormenghast.
Also, following this Friday's edition of Newsnight on BBC 2 Television, a panel will discuss the Illustrated Gormenghast on Newsnight Review.
Also, following this Friday's edition of Newsnight on BBC 2 Television, a panel will discuss the Illustrated Gormenghast on Newsnight Review.
Peake on Radio 4, 7th July
Sebastian Peake presents a programme about his father's life and work on BBC Radio 4 at 11.30 am on 7th July.
Alison Eldred
Alison Eldred
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The History of Titus Groan
Next week's edition of The Radio Times to appear on 5th July 2011, will feature an article, including photographs, on Mervyn Peake while also announcing the new adaptation by Brian Sibley of Gormenghast and Titus Awakes, The History of Titus Groan, this year's Classic Serial on Radio 4.
The first in the six part series will be broadcast on Sunday, 10th July at 3.00 pm with subsequent parts on the following five Sundays. It will also be repeated on Saturday evenings at 9.00.
The first in the six part series will be broadcast on Sunday, 10th July at 3.00 pm with subsequent parts on the following five Sundays. It will also be repeated on Saturday evenings at 9.00.
Joie de Lire to publish Captain Slaughterboard
Good to see that a Swiss edition of Captain Slaughterboard will soon go on sale to the delight, I hope, of the French-speaking world. Apart from the Swiss canton that speaks French, the book will appear in Belgium, Canada & France.
Nonsense Poetry set to music by Richard Rodney Bennett
A particularly opportune concert, given the imminent publication of two books of nonsense verse by Mervyn Peake will take place in a rural church in Nottinghamshire.
16th July, 7.30pm at St Mary's Church, Lowdham, Notts.
The East of England Singers will perform a selection of Mervyn Peake's Nonsense poetry set to music by Richard Rodney Bennett.
Full details of the concert are available on their website.
16th July, 7.30pm at St Mary's Church, Lowdham, Notts.
The East of England Singers will perform a selection of Mervyn Peake's Nonsense poetry set to music by Richard Rodney Bennett.
Full details of the concert are available on their website.
Lewis Carroll Society
A talk on Mervyn Peake will be given to members of the Lewis Carroll Society on Friday 18th November.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Boyd Tonkin in The Independent
Boyd Tonkin writing in The Independent today, captures not only the spirit incorporated into the highly original interpretations of the characters from Lewis Carroll's masterpiece, Alice, but sets the work in historical context. Mervyn Peake's life-changing experiences in immediate post-war Germany informed to a great degree the way in which his work developed. Malgre the awfulness of the witness, like Goya and Picasso his art would reach new heights of intuitive perception, unmatched in illustration.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Exhibitions in Chichester
A film made by local Sussex BBC Television to highlight the current exhibitions at both Pallant House and the Otter Gallery in Chichester.
Also a piece from West Sussex Gazette about the exhibitions.
The Mervyn Peake Conference to be held at Chichester University from 15th to 17th July now has a very full programme. See their website for details of how to book tickets.
Also a piece from West Sussex Gazette about the exhibitions.
The Mervyn Peake Conference to be held at Chichester University from 15th to 17th July now has a very full programme. See their website for details of how to book tickets.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Parkinson's Award
Another very happy recipient in one of the categories of the 10th Mervyn Peake Awards.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Titus Awakes - inThe Sunday Times

Although this is often described as a sequel to Peake's Titus books, it is, of course told in a completely different voice. It describes the next stage in Titus's life and for those who know about Peake's own life and experiences there will be resonances which are both poignant and harrowing. I would recommend it to anyone who might want to identify with the woman who supported Peake in every way through good times and bad.
Alison Eldred
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
PN Review
"A very incisive and well-written introduction to Mervyn Peake's book, Rhymes Without Reason by Rob Maslen, appears in the current edition of PN Review, one of the country's leading poetry magazines. Rob Maslen and Peter Winnington have worked as editors of Complete Nonsense, a comprehensive, and highly-colourful collection of Mervyn Peake's nonsense poetry, and details can be found in New Publications on this site.
Noah's Ark at the Blue Elephant theatre
As a small but significant venue, The Blue Elephant Theatre of Camberwell, London, has been championing the plays of Mervyn Peake for the last year or two. They will be staging an edited version of Noah's Ark from late November 2011, in a three and a half week run which will introduce the piece to a children's audience.
The theatre is always looking for backers or people who would like to get involved with the production by way of investment, so if anyone is interested in finding out more they should contact Jasmine Cullingford. For any further details please call: 020 7701 0100
The theatre is always looking for backers or people who would like to get involved with the production by way of investment, so if anyone is interested in finding out more they should contact Jasmine Cullingford. For any further details please call: 020 7701 0100
News from Chichester
Real enthusiasm for the two concurrent Mervyn Peake Peake exhibition on in Chichester at the moment.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
The whole purpose of the annual Mervyn Peake Awards, was to inspire those suffering from the effect of Parkinson's disease, into submitting either a photograph, drawing or painting. In the words of Malcolm Allen, winner in the digital category, "Having Parkinson's does not have to stand in the way of creativity, and I hope my success will inspire others to unlock their creative talents.".
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Mervyn Peake and Maeve Gilmore - an exhibition of paintings and drawings

Friday, June 03, 2011
More talks and events
Clare Peake will be speaking about her wonderful new book, Under a Canvas Sky, published later this month by Constable & Robinson, on Saturday 4th June in an unnamed pub at 269 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton SW2.
Sebastian Peake will be speaking on Saturday 18th June at the Worcestersire Literary Festival, Worcester University. For details email
There will be a musical recital of certain works by Mervyn Peake, with readings by Sebastian and Fabian Peake at the 11th century St Mary the Virgin Church, Burpham, near Arundel Sussex at 6pm on 19th June. For further details
Clare Peake will be one of Libby Purves' guests on the BBC's Midweek programme on Radio Four, on Wednesday 22nd June at 10am
Clare Peake will be speaking about her parents and her new book at 2.30pm on 12th July at the prestigious Ways With Words Literary Festival, Dartington, Devon. For further details
Sebastian Peake will be speaking on Wednesday 13th July at the Ways With Words Literary Festival, Dartington, Devon. For further details
Sebastian Peake will be speaking on Saturday 18th June at the Worcestersire Literary Festival, Worcester University. For details email
There will be a musical recital of certain works by Mervyn Peake, with readings by Sebastian and Fabian Peake at the 11th century St Mary the Virgin Church, Burpham, near Arundel Sussex at 6pm on 19th June. For further details
Clare Peake will be one of Libby Purves' guests on the BBC's Midweek programme on Radio Four, on Wednesday 22nd June at 10am
Clare Peake will be speaking about her parents and her new book at 2.30pm on 12th July at the prestigious Ways With Words Literary Festival, Dartington, Devon. For further details
Sebastian Peake will be speaking on Wednesday 13th July at the Ways With Words Literary Festival, Dartington, Devon. For further details