Wednesday, September 21, 2011
One of the absolute highlights of the recent conference in Chichester was the performance by Stuart Olesker who spoke about Peake's work and recited poems of every mood, including nonsense. Now it's delightful to find that it was recorded, and here is a fragment from it, this one by Peacock, seen as a precursor to Peake. More to follow at some point. The work has been done by Dan Bernard and Gail Baird at 131 design,
Boy in Darkness review
Mark Andresen has written a good review of Boy in Darkness. Also of the other short stories in this collection published by Peter Owen. Many thanks to Mark.
A Mervyn Peake Evening Hosted by The Lewis Carroll Society

Venue: The Art Workers' Guild, 6 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3AT
Date: 18 November 1011
Doors open 6:45pm; talks begin 7:15pm.
Wine and nibbles will be served during the evening.
Ticket price: £8.
Complimentary tickets are available for members of The Lewis Carroll Society.
We expect this to be a popular event and so we request that you make a booking in advance. To reserve a place or purchase a ticket please contact Mark Richards (
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Uncle Jake - the film

When Uncle Jake
Became a snake
He never found it out;
And so as no one mentions it
One sees his still about.
Noah's Ark, a play at the Blue Elephant Theatre
Sebastian will be speaking on 20th December 2011 following the 1:30pm matinee performance of Noah's Ark at the Blue Elephant Theatre, Bethwin Road, London SE5 0XT. The play will run for three weeks from 30th November. For further details please call 020 7701 0100.
Reviews for Complete Nonsense and the Sunday Books
Mike Moorcock has written about The Sunday Books in Publishers' Weekly.
From another admirer of Mervyn Peake's work. This in praise of The Sunday Books which evokes in many, memories of childhood whether or not they have an artist father to articulate or illustrate our youthful dreams.
And Complete Nonsense is featured on the Poetry Books Society website.
From another admirer of Mervyn Peake's work. This in praise of The Sunday Books which evokes in many, memories of childhood whether or not they have an artist father to articulate or illustrate our youthful dreams.
And Complete Nonsense is featured on the Poetry Books Society website.
Top Ten in The Guardian
Gormenghast has been chosen by Charlie Higson as one of his ten favourite fantasy novels for children.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
The History of Titus Groan as a download
With particularly handsome branding and beautifully succinct cover notes, The History of Titus Groan is now available as a download from BBC Publications.
The highly-praised adaptation of the four novels included in this six hour-long production, shows clearly how right it was to ask Brian Sibley to adapt the four novels for what is a surely a BBC Radio Four tour de force. I cannot recommend this recording highly enough.
The highly-praised adaptation of the four novels included in this six hour-long production, shows clearly how right it was to ask Brian Sibley to adapt the four novels for what is a surely a BBC Radio Four tour de force. I cannot recommend this recording highly enough.
An exhibition of Fabian Peake's work